Adventures In Creative Insanity

I write. I procrastinate. I bitch. I dream of publication. I am a Dangerous Scribe.

Here we sit....

Another day and here we sit. Both perched over our laptops taking our time getting down to the nitty-gritty. We had lunch, chit-chatted about family insanity, and surfed the Internet before finally looking at each other and said "alright, we must do what we said we are going to do." Me, I look at Lisa dumbfounded and say, "What did I say I was going to do again?" The damn evil synopsis that is hanging over my head like a black cloud. So, yes, I know what I must do and here I sit avoiding the synopsis, which I believe Lisa is under the impression that I am working on as I sit here typing away to update our blog. It's a painful job, but someone must do it.

I'm watching as Lisa plot away and work on her edits as she is determined to finish a project she started a while ago called DEMONS BITE. Her first draft is finished and has been for a while. I have to say that I'm glad to see that she's back at it. We've gone over some very interesting ideas and have had discussions about Satan, good versus evil, and demons & angels. Sometimes it helps to have these sit down sessions where we each have our laptops, some music, and the occasional unhealthy snack, to get stuff done.

As I sit here and finally come up with a thought that I want to share, I hear things like "we're going to do it, Kell," or "we can do this," and "is this Lady GaGa?" (referring to the music on my itouch). Of course the answer to that last one is a big No. And if it's not those welcomed, and often amusing, interruptions it's my 4 y/o daughter asking for snacks, Popsicles, juice, Tom & Jerry, and if we can go to Walmart to buy toys for a friends birthday party that is 3 weeks away. Then of course there's my always trusty shadow that follows me whenever I get up and lays on the floor next to my chair when I sit down. That would be my trusty Lab, Brandy.

I'm keeping this short and sweet because I do have to get to my synopsis, which is a word that I have grown to loath during this whole process. I think I'm going to have to come up with something else to call it that's more appropriate....shitnopsis, crapnopsis, something along those lines. I guess it shall depend on my mood.

Tootles for now.

About Me

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Upstate, New York, United States
I am Kellie and I write romantic suspense, paranormal, contemporary, and erotic novels. I am a member of RWA, RWAOL, and RWA KOD. I also participate in NaNoWriMo every year. I have the need to write and the desire to be published. I juggle a family and a full time job, but my ultimate goal is to see my book on a shelf.

Welcome To My Insanity

Follow me on this journey through the ups & downs of trying to become published. Some call it a process, I call it Hell.