Adventures In Creative Insanity

I write. I procrastinate. I bitch. I dream of publication. I am a Dangerous Scribe.

Preparing for the new year...

I think about writing more lately than actually doing.  It's the time of year where so many things are going on it's hard to keep your head on straight.  I've neglected this blog and my writing.  Well, I've actually been doing rather well on the writing part.  At least from where I was a year ago.  I participated in NaNoWriMo this year.  I did not get to 50k words, but I got a nice kick start on a story that was rolling around in my head.  I find that's my biggest issue.  I have so much going on up there that I need to figure out a way to organize it all and focus on one project at a time without loosing my ideas for the others.  I have notebooks o'plenty, but I do need to come up with a better system.  Hopefully that's something I can figure out over time and perhaps other writer's can lend advice on what they've found to be successful for them.  Becoming more organized overall in my daily life wouldn't be a bad thing.

I haven't sat and read a book in a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't purchased any. :)  My last trip to Barnes & Noble was the first in a while.  I purchased a series by Lori Foster that I am excited to start reading.

Movies I've watched recently.  Ted.  My boyfriend was so excited that this movie was finally available to rent.  I wasn't looking forward to it, but figured it would be funny if nothing else.  It was one of the worst movies I had ever seen.  A nice waste of my time.  However, he owes me now. :)

As for my former blogging partner, I previously posted about her, but this time I went and changed the profile and the blog to show that I am committed to this.  I love her, she is my cousin, and at one time was considered one of my best friends.  Sometimes life takes us down different paths.  That's what has happened with her.  We went from talking or texting daily, getting together at least once per week, to not talking in five months.  It's sad really.  I hope she's still writing as she has an immense amount of talent and creativity.  I do miss her.  Life goes on and maybe one day she'll be here again.  Until then it's just me and I'm good with that.


About Me

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Upstate, New York, United States
I am Kellie and I write romantic suspense, paranormal, contemporary, and erotic novels. I am a member of RWA, RWAOL, and RWA KOD. I also participate in NaNoWriMo every year. I have the need to write and the desire to be published. I juggle a family and a full time job, but my ultimate goal is to see my book on a shelf.

Welcome To My Insanity

Follow me on this journey through the ups & downs of trying to become published. Some call it a process, I call it Hell.