Adventures In Creative Insanity

I write. I procrastinate. I bitch. I dream of publication. I am a Dangerous Scribe.

Where has our sanity gone?

It's been a while since we posted a blog. We promise to be better.

Since our last post we have actaully accomplished quite a few things. Which is why our brain cells are fried!

First, we decided to enter out first contest. It's something that all writers should do at some point, even if it's just for the feedback that you get in the end. Well, we entered The Emily contest through West Houston RWA. We each submitted 35 pages of one of our manuscripts to the contest and we should be hearing something by the end of the year (if we final) or the beginning of next year (if we didn't). I am setting my sights low and trying not to think about it. I'm the kind of person that expects the worst, but hopes for the best. I try not to get my hopes up and that way the let down isn't as hard.

What else? Well, I must say that it makes me utterly happy to say that I have finished by synopsis and am ready to send it off to the agents that requested it & my MS. I know, I know. It's about time. I know it and I hear it and I feel it. I am seriously hoping that my next synopsis will take me a few days instead of a few months.

Then there's NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) starting on 11/1. This will be my third year doing it and if I think my sanity is gone now, then I can just imagine how it will be in a few days. NaNo, even at it's craziest moment, I have to admit I really enjoy. There are so many times throughout the year that I would love to start a new project, but I'm too engrossed in others that I'm working through. NaNo is my chance to start something new. A fresh slate. I am so looking forward to Sunday when I can sit down and watch my characters come to life. I have already worked with the character profile worksheets so that I know who my characters are and now I am just impatiently waiting to meet them...and in most importantly, to torture them. And I say that with all the love that I have as a writer toward my H/H. What fun would it be if we didn't have a little bit of torture at their expense? Better them than us.

In the meantime we have Halloween. Not a holiday that I would rate as one of my favorites, but my little ones certainly love it. This year I will be tooling around with the cutest little cowgirl and my insanely smart Harry Potter. Bags & bags full of candy can equal happiness for all.

I hope everyone has a safe and ghoulish Halloween!


P.S If you find our sanity, please return it. We are pretty sure it is located in the pants pockets of Johnny Depp on our imaginary private island which we are checking into as we speak!

Here we sit....

Another day and here we sit. Both perched over our laptops taking our time getting down to the nitty-gritty. We had lunch, chit-chatted about family insanity, and surfed the Internet before finally looking at each other and said "alright, we must do what we said we are going to do." Me, I look at Lisa dumbfounded and say, "What did I say I was going to do again?" The damn evil synopsis that is hanging over my head like a black cloud. So, yes, I know what I must do and here I sit avoiding the synopsis, which I believe Lisa is under the impression that I am working on as I sit here typing away to update our blog. It's a painful job, but someone must do it.

I'm watching as Lisa plot away and work on her edits as she is determined to finish a project she started a while ago called DEMONS BITE. Her first draft is finished and has been for a while. I have to say that I'm glad to see that she's back at it. We've gone over some very interesting ideas and have had discussions about Satan, good versus evil, and demons & angels. Sometimes it helps to have these sit down sessions where we each have our laptops, some music, and the occasional unhealthy snack, to get stuff done.

As I sit here and finally come up with a thought that I want to share, I hear things like "we're going to do it, Kell," or "we can do this," and "is this Lady GaGa?" (referring to the music on my itouch). Of course the answer to that last one is a big No. And if it's not those welcomed, and often amusing, interruptions it's my 4 y/o daughter asking for snacks, Popsicles, juice, Tom & Jerry, and if we can go to Walmart to buy toys for a friends birthday party that is 3 weeks away. Then of course there's my always trusty shadow that follows me whenever I get up and lays on the floor next to my chair when I sit down. That would be my trusty Lab, Brandy.

I'm keeping this short and sweet because I do have to get to my synopsis, which is a word that I have grown to loath during this whole process. I think I'm going to have to come up with something else to call it that's more appropriate....shitnopsis, crapnopsis, something along those lines. I guess it shall depend on my mood.

Tootles for now.

Synopsis Hell

When I started this insane journey a couple of years ago, I really had no idea where it would take me. At first I insisted that I was writing for myself and I wasn't going to share my work with anyone. That quickly changed when I confided my newest obsession of writing to my cousin who was in the same boat. I felt beyond lucky that I had someone who knew exactly what I was going through and it was a bonus that she's a part of my family. These past couple of years we've stayed in contact speaking once a week, if not more, exchanging ideas and swapping stories from frustration to triumph and everything in between.

Prior to the RWA National Conference in DC this past July, I worked diligently to get my manuscript finished and in tip-top shape. I had an appointment with an agent and an editor during the conference and I wanted to be ready to send out my ms as soon as I got back if it was requested. Well, it was requested. That's the good news. The not-so-good news is the request of the synopsis to accompany it. I was on cloud nine after receiving the requests that I didn't really think about what the synopsis entailed. I wasn't worried. I planned to come home, spew out a synopsis, and send it off. No biggie. Right? Wrong.

That was back in July. Here it is almost September and I still don't have it completed. It's been the most dreadful experience thus far in the process of becoming published. It's my version of Hell. I'm hoping once I get practice, my vision of this will change and that it will be just a small blip of frustration on the long, bumpy, winding path to accomplishing my dream. Unfortunately, I can't see that far ahead because the synopsis is blocking my view and sucking all of the positivity from me.

Fortunately, I am NOT a quitter and I DO love a challenge. There is no way I'm going to let this get the best of me. I may whine along the way (Lisa can attest to that) and occasionally attempt to pull my hair out (the cussing and throwing of objects is a given). I must get this done. That's what I keep repeating to myself. I need to move on, to finish other WIP's, and start new ones, but I can't do that until this damn synopsis is completed and in the mail attached to my ms.

In the mean time, I have found a couple of helpful sites. One is and the other

I'm happy to report that I have sat down this afternoon and am making headway. It's still dreadful, but it's something. Once I get the first draft of the synopsis down, I think it will be easier to trim/add where needed and I might feel like I've accomplished something.

Feel free to share your experiences, good or bad, we don't discriminate...although we might not share our chocolate!

I will leave you now so I can consume this heaping bowl of pasta sitting in front of me and so that I can get back to overcoming my Hell.

Procrastination Station

Lisa's Addiction

Thought I would get the week off with a great start. The kiddies occupied. Check. Computer ready to go. Check. Junior Mints in reach. Check. Writing about to commence. Check. Uh, well. First, I have to go on the Internet, you know, just to check email, face book, twitter. The usual suspects. And then it happens. I find myself somewhere I shouldn't be. It's not my fault, really. It's just so good. It's my secret guilty pleasure. Every time I turn on my computer, it's like a siren's song, calling me to abandon my good intentions and cavort in cyberspace. Do the procrastination dance. Tempting. Funny.

What is this guilty pleasure I speak of? What keeps me rooted to my chair engaged in activities other than writing my bestselling novel?

Fan Fiction.

You heard it. Fan Fiction. I discovered this strangely intriguing area of fiction quite by accident a few months ago and have become addicted. Mostly, I read TV fan fiction but there is fan fiction for everything from TV to movies to books. It's amazing. It's addicting. Some of it is absolutely wonderful. Some is horrid. I have to admit, I get off on reading the horrid stuff. It cracks me up and hey, I admire anyone willing to put themselves out there. It takes a lot of guts. Plus, it's a great way sharpen your skills, learn the writing craft. *Blushes* Okay, you caught me. I've tried it. I've written a fanfic. It will never see the light of day. It's just for me. But, I tell you, when I can't find a writing groove, I start fashioning a fanfic and the words flow. It warms up my writing muscles. Plus, it's sooo bloody fun.

Why am I sharing this obvious vice? Not sure. Maybe it's like AA. I need support to conquer my addiction. Maybe it's a form of validation. Like if someone out there shares my addiction, I'll feel better about myself.

I find a lot of my fanfic

Warning: Highly addicting! Writers looking for a reason to procrastinate are highly susceptible!

Anyone else out there have procrastination addictions? Secret love of fanfic? Share!

Who we are and why we are.

About two years ago, I was in the middle of writer hell. A horrible place to be, believe me. Nothing was working. My heroine was wimpy with dry, fly away hair and chronic halitosis. I couldn't buy the hero's love. No one would. She sucked. I sucked. I was lonely and slowly going insane. Because of writing. My husband didn't get it. My kids could barely talk. My mom just nodded politely like and asked if I wanted some Panda Paws ice cream. The lady knows me.

Then, one day, whilst talking with my cuz on the phone, I realized something amazing. I. Was. Not. Alone. She was in the same writer's hell! Since that time we have suffered together, laughed together, and basically bonded over the extremely maddening yet highly enjoyable (we couldn't Live without writing!) art of putting our stories on paper.

Over the years, we have discovered many things about each other and our writing. Kellie doesn't have a problem killing off her heroines (which might I note, only happened one time) (yeah, but it made me cry! damn you!) and I have a thing about demons. Sexy demons. Oh, and frogs with evil red eyes. Thus, Dangerous Scribes were born. We enjoy torturing and or killing off our characters. It amuses us. It gets us through our days without killing actual humans. What can we say? Whatever keeps us off the Most Wanted list, right?

At this point we are both at different stages of writing.

Kellie went to RWA National Conference in DC this summer and had fabulous time meeting other writers and partying with my new friends and favorite authors. Yes, she did meet Nora Roberts....3 times! Her ms, Homecoming, was requested by an agent along with a synopsis. That's where she's stuck. In synopsis Hell!

As for me, Lisa, I am in the process of editing two manuscripts. Demons Bite is a Young Adult paranormal that is finished but needs editing. And Dancing with Willie Shakespeare, a Chick Lit Space Opera (yeah, I know) that needs editing and oh, yeah, finishing. We both have NANO manuscripts from 2008 that need editing and polishing!

Our ultimate goal is to be published authors. Maybe National Bestselling Authors. Sure, it could happen. In the meantime, come along on our journey. Do not be afraid. Chocolate will be eaten, objects may hit the wall (our manuscripts perhaps?) and cuss words may be used. We mean no harm. If you have similar experiences, please share with us. If you just want to blow off steam, leave a comment. All are welcome. Once a week we'll share our writing joys and miseries. We may even just review a book we admire or a movie we have become obsessed over. You never know, we are just that unpredictable. Such as life.

About Me

My photo
Upstate, New York, United States
I am Kellie and I write romantic suspense, paranormal, contemporary, and erotic novels. I am a member of RWA, RWAOL, and RWA KOD. I also participate in NaNoWriMo every year. I have the need to write and the desire to be published. I juggle a family and a full time job, but my ultimate goal is to see my book on a shelf.

Welcome To My Insanity

Follow me on this journey through the ups & downs of trying to become published. Some call it a process, I call it Hell.