Adventures In Creative Insanity

I write. I procrastinate. I bitch. I dream of publication. I am a Dangerous Scribe.

Where in the world is Lisa Capp??

Alas, it has been too long.  Last I wrote I was submitting queries and getting rejections.  As expected.  I really didn't think I would get any requests back.  I stopped submitting after the five rejections.  It did make me question my work all around.  Is my story good enough?  Is my synopsis up to par?  Most of all, is my query good enough to hook someone?  So I pulled back and stopped submitting for the time being.  I've got a lot of projects rolling around in my head and wish I had the time to devote to all of them as fast as they hit me.  I feel like now I need to pick my best, polish it, and get back to submitting. 

In other news, I feel as though I've lost a comrade or even worse a part of me.  My blog partner, who yes has been just as absent on the blog as I've tried not to be, has found other priorities in her life and has put writing to the back burner.  Not only is she my other scribe, my partner, one of my closest friends, but my cousin.  You will no longer find her on Facebook or Twitter, which is sad as I've missed her comments, posts, and humor.  Most importantly I've missed her. I hope that one day soon she will find the fire again because she has an immense amount of talent that I hate to see go to waste.  But for now RIP Lisa Capp and I hope for a resurrection someday soon.  But, the show must go on.

That is all for now.  Short, sweet, and to the point. 

There will be more.  Next time perhaps we can talk about what to do when we start to feel the fire go out.



About Me

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Upstate, New York, United States
I am Kellie and I write romantic suspense, paranormal, contemporary, and erotic novels. I am a member of RWA, RWAOL, and RWA KOD. I also participate in NaNoWriMo every year. I have the need to write and the desire to be published. I juggle a family and a full time job, but my ultimate goal is to see my book on a shelf.

Welcome To My Insanity

Follow me on this journey through the ups & downs of trying to become published. Some call it a process, I call it Hell.