Adventures In Creative Insanity

I write. I procrastinate. I bitch. I dream of publication. I am a Dangerous Scribe.

THE END...A Great Way to End the Year!

I finally wrote "The End" on a book I started years ago and it felt so good.  It was a great way to end the year.  I loved this book the moment the idea of it popped into my head.  It was one of my first NaNo stories and then I let it sit for a while. A long while.  I've started other stories since and hadn't paid much attention to this one.  A few months ago the characters started to nag at me.  As if saying "don't forget about us" or "please finish our story".  Luckily along with that came some new twist and turns that I wasn't even expecting.  I love when a story takes shape and ends up surprising me.

Now it's time to start the first round of editing.  I dread the grammatical part of editing.  I'll admit I'm just not good at it. I do like going through the story and making changes here and there and polishing the characters.  I have a really good feeling about this story and hope that I can work through the stages of editing quickly so I can start submitting to agents, but before that comes the dreaded query and synopsis.  The query is my biggest challenge.  I always question whether I have a good enough hook and when the denials come in I wonder if it was a result of the query not doing it's job or they weren't interested in the idea of the story.  It would be great if more feedback could be provided.  I do understand that agents must get inundated with query letters and how difficult it would be to send back individualized feedback.

Well, it's off to editing. 

Happy New Year to all!!

About Me

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Upstate, New York, United States
I am Kellie and I write romantic suspense, paranormal, contemporary, and erotic novels. I am a member of RWA, RWAOL, and RWA KOD. I also participate in NaNoWriMo every year. I have the need to write and the desire to be published. I juggle a family and a full time job, but my ultimate goal is to see my book on a shelf.

Welcome To My Insanity

Follow me on this journey through the ups & downs of trying to become published. Some call it a process, I call it Hell.